Wednesday, December 19, 2012

At last!!!!!

Yeah! I'm clapping my hands like the excited woman I am. My new author website is finally live. Stop by, check it out, and share the love.

M. L. Stephens' website

It's finally live!

Yeah! My new website! Stop by and show some love. Let me know what you think, don't think, or just how the heck you're doing!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cover Reveal!!!!

Buy on Amazon

*New adult paranormal romance/suspense*

My life was fabulous, until I was murdered.
There are only two things in a person's existence that truly matter—before and after. This is my after.

Caught in a realm between life and death, Jade is torn between the unexpected love of a stranger, or catching the people who killed her.

With the clock ticking, she struggles to find a way to save the life of her best friend, while holding on to the man that she loves.

One decision might leave her stranded in limbo for all of eternity, yet the other could destroy her happiness.

Mademoiselle Le Sphinx: Cover Reveal: Love you more

Mademoiselle Le Sphinx: Cover Reveal: Love you more: I haven't done one of these in a while it seems, so here goes you guys a cover reveal for: Love You More by M. L. Stephens I th...

Monday, December 10, 2012

An unexpected inspiration!

Today I want to say thanks to someone very special, even though she doesn't realize it.

In America, we're lucky to have easy access to all the wonderful books that we want: hard copies, paperback copies, eBooks, and first editions; they're all just a click away. Not so much in other countries. I should know. I've visited 6 besides my own.

The amazing woman I'm talking about spends her time away from university to read, blog, youtube, write, and inspire other readers and writers. Why? It's simple really, she LOVES books. She'd walk across water if need be, to get that perfect first release of a second volume if she loved the first. She knocks on the doors of her book store to continuously request special orders. This woman is incredible. She lives in a country that doesn't have an abundance of book stores from the western world, but she finds a way to get them!

Besides the life of university, daughter, and friend she also takes time out to review Indie authors. She was the first review (from an unknown) that I received on my first self-published eBook. Was it a 5 star? NOPE! It was a 4 and it meant the world to me. She took the time, read my writing, and was honest in her review.

We sometimes take things for granted, but I'll never forget the first review I ever received from an unbiased blogger. Thanks so much You inspire me!
If I hadn't lived in the Middle East and experienced it for myself, I wouldn't know...but I did...and I do. Thanks for everything you do to keep the readers informed.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Voice of an Indie author

Traditional publishing is awesome! I would love to have a deal, but I don't. I’m not knocking you if you do. I envy your luck. If you're one of those amazing people that can describe your novel in 20 words or less…my hat is off to you. I wish I could do the same. This is for those who haven't yet.

After DOZENS of rejections because of genre crossover, word count, story line being too "unique," I stopped. This is the era of self-publication. Do I wish I could walk within the borders and land a deal? Yeah! Hello? Don't we all.  I just haven't figured out a way to contain my voice enough to do so.

For some of us, traditional book deals seem to be a "whisper in the wind." We want to write the stories and characters that scream the loudest—regardless of the genre. We're the bold, the unconventional, and the ones that are committed to having our voices heard regardless of the guidelines.

What does it take? If you're like me, and I'm sure you are, you've done the research. You've paid the editors, the cover artists, the book marketers, and you've spent more time on social media outlets that you care to admit.

I think I know the answer to our problem. We love to write, create, and transport our readers to a place they've never been, but we're also SHY. We're afraid to ask bloggers to post our cover reveals, to review us; and we think that published short stories, poetry, aren't worthy enough to mention as publications when we submit to agents. I have yet to tell an agent that I'm a published poet. (I even made the Who's Who in poetry in 2005 and have written several news articles.) To me, as someone who loves to write stories, I never even considered poetry or news articles as who I am. I write stories. I did the others for fun.

I've spent several days writing and deleting emails and requests to bloggers. I have two eBooks coming out within the next few days, yet all I can do is request for them (via FB) to request to do my reveal. I'm scared. I'm not a social butterfly and so I'm afraid. Am I afraid of rejection? Not so much. Afraid that the one thing that I love to do most will be met with a, "You're not in the "in" crowd?" Perhaps I am. In the end it boils down to one thing. They can't hang us on the stake and roast us. Chances are they want to hear from us as much as we want to contact them.

Take the chance. Let your voice be heard. I have it on good authority, that I have a gift for writing and that my stories are unique and entertaining. I'm sure you've heard the same. It's time for Indie authors to believe. It's time for YOU to believe. Take the next step. You deserve to be heard.

Ask, network, and don't be afraid to promote yourself. You own your authorship. It's your business. It's your right. It's time for you to feel as important as you are.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Indie journey

Writing and storytelling has always been a part of who I am. Every since I can remember, I've been spinning campfire tales (on demand for the family) and putting pen to page to create poems. It took until the ripe old age of 40 before I decided that it was impossible to contain what was in my head. I had stories, events, characters and plots that wanted to be shared…created…told.

A year ago, I put my fingers to the keyboard and did just that. I wrote the story that had been screaming at me for 12 long years…and it was speculative fiction! Imagine my surprise. I submitted it to dozens of agents and waited. "That's it," I told myself. My writing…my story…means nothing. I'm not talented enough or good enough that people will read or care what I've written. I was wrong. It did mean something. It meant that a story that had never been told…was told. It meant that I had accomplished something. I had created characters and an environment from my imagination. I had created a place that was separate from reality. I created a place that the readers could escape to.

Like many others before me, I did the research.  Finally, although reluctantly, I ePublished my first trilogy.

More stories and characters started shouting at me. More voices wanted to be heard and so I started writing…and writing…and writing. The more I write, the more the stories come. So I write them.

The most difficult thing is when people ask me, "Where can I buy your printed copies?"

Well…you can't, at least not yet. I'm ok with that because my story is out there and people are receiving it with open arms.

Did I let the agent rejections stop me? No. What I have done is allow the rejections, the reviews and the kind words from the readers make me stronger so I can grow.

I'm still a baby when it comes to the world of ePublishing, but I have learned that there are people who want to hear the stories that only YOU can create. Find your voice and share it. Learn from your mistakes. Most importantly…learn from the mistakes and advice of the ones who went before us.

Indie authors rock! Our synopses and blurbs might suck…but if we could tell a story in just two sentences, we wouldn't need to write a novel, so write on!

Live. Create. Write. No one can tell your story better than you!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Make sure to stop by my Facebook author wall today and type in your vote for my debut erotica pen name!

Who would have thought?

Click to vote!

Monday, November 26, 2012

I love to celebrate!

In celebration of: Cyber Monday, Tackful Tuesday, and Wacky Wednesday, The Perfect Clone (Book One), is available as a free download for your Kindle or PC  through 11/28/12!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Thanks!

Because family, friends and acquaintances, gather JUST to enjoy each other's company, Thanksgiving has ALWAYS been my favorite holiday. I also love the guilt associated with Thanksgiving: Guilt because you DIDN'T eat enough, or guilt because you ate TOO much!
Thank you to all of the readers who have emailed, messaged, twitted, Facebook messaged, or left reviews. Hearing from you is what makes everything worthwhile! Keep those messages coming!
The last half of this year has been a say the least. The world of ePublishing was strange and unfamiliar territory, but I've navigated the foreign land and survived! I have been blessed enough to work with some amazing people who have helped me along the way. Claudia at and Ashley at who helped create the gorgeous cover for my first Speculative Fiction Trilogy The Perfect Clone, and to Ashley at for agreeing to be my editor on my yet to be released New Adult Paranormal/Romance (The Broken Series).
I've also been blessed to have met-through the power of social media-some wonderful authors who have inspired and encouraged me along the way!
Thank you for giving me so many more blessings to count this Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012


After completing my NaNo project and doing the rereads and rough draft edits to make it editor ready, I decided to write a steamy adult contemporary romance short story titled, "Swinger's Club". Confession: maybe it's erotica and I'll need to use a different pen name. (I'll keep you posted).

 If all goes well, I should have it editor ready by the end of the week and then I can begin work on the third installment of the yet to be released Broken Series-a new adult paranormal/romance.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Ghosts! Can I even explain how much I love them? Not the creepy lurking stalker demonic spirits of horror films and nightmares, but the light hearted playful ones that tap your shoulder and hide your keys.

The door that opens in the middle of the night acts as a reminder that not all things can be explained, but that some ghostly energy has attached itself to you and wants to be acknowledged.

Should I toss it?

The party wasn't at all what I'd thought. A white tie party with co-workers is what my husband had told me. I'd dressed in my most dazzling white evening gown and came prepared to rub elbows with the elite social crowd of Houston, Texas, while putting on the façade of happy housewife, but this had turned into my biggest nightmare. The drinks flowed freely, the décor was fabulous, but the guests were clad in swimsuits and thongs. Granted, the swimsuits and thongs were white, but still…not what I'd pictured. Not to mention that my husband was rubbing everything but elbows.

What do you think? Short story or scrap pile?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Vote for your favorite books!

There have been some amazing books this year! I hope you'll take the time to vote for your favorites!

Goodreads choice awards 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Be a character in my next book.

In celebration and recognition of completing my 5th book, I'd like to honor a fan. Comment or vote for your favorite paranormal creature at When the Facebook page reaches 300 likes, I'll write the fan favorite short story using the winner's name as a character and will dedicate the book to the winner.Vampire, werewolf, elf, fairy, ghost, succubus...or just add a new creature for others to like. It's that easy. As soon as my Facebook page reaches 300 likes,  I'll write the storyline based on the creature that received the most votes. Don't be!


Monday, November 12, 2012

What paranormal team gets your vote?

Most of you will be too shy to vote or comment, but I hope you do. Out of curiosity, which are your favorites...ghosts, vampires, werewolves, fairies, elves or a really good succubus

Vote for your favorites!

Now is your chance! Vote for your favorite book, covers and authors!

Vote for your favorites!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's all about writing: Reviews aren't personal...they're honest.

It's all about writing: Reviews aren't personal...they're honest.: Every now and again we run across a blog post, author, book blogger, or just a randomly good person who touches us and teaches us somethi...

Informative blog from Richard Stephenson

Reviews aren't personal...they're honest.

Every now and again we run across a blog post, author, book blogger, or just a randomly good person who touches us and teaches us something new. Today, I'd like to thank someone who helped me to understand that all things are NOT what they seem. She was the first blogger to post a review of my Indie Ebook. The review was not 5 star and all of her words were NOT the words that authors hope to hear...and yet she was honest with her thoughts and I appreciate and respect that! Thank you so much for taking the time to consider, to read, and to post! *hugs* Perfect Clone

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I needed this today!

The universe sends us messages, we just have to slow down and listen. A friend sent this to me today. Unknowlingly, his timing was spot on! Just the uplift I needed! :D

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thank you!

I am grateful for the tremendous support of my readers who retweet me, leave reviews and tell their family and friends about me, the Facebookers who leave comments and likes, the bloggers who work overtime to make the reading community aware of ALL the awesome books and authors out there, the active Goodreads community for posting reviews, and the amazing authors that have inspired me to press on.

Thank you!

M. L. Stephens

The Perfect Clone

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Squeeeee! My readers ROCK!

5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing, October 18, 2012

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: The Perfect Clone (Kindle Edition)
OMG what an amazing book...couldnt put it down, have started to read 2&3 is awaiting. If you like Dan Brown, you will love this!
Cant wait for more from this amazing author

The Perfect Clone on Amazon.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome!! October 17, 2012

By Sopo742

Format:Kindle Edition

I thought book 1 was great but this far surpassed that!! I love the twists... I thought I knew what was going to happen and then POW!!! The "battle" between Good and Evil is smartly written throughout.

Getting book 3 right now!!!

If you are looking for a great read, invest in this trilogy!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

5 out of 5 stars!!!

5.0 out of 5 stars fantastic book October 13, 2012

Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase

The Perfect Clone far exceeded my expectations. M.L. Stephens is a very gifted story teller.
I knew from the moment I began reading that I would not stop until I had finished the book.
This book is brilliantly written. I was so immersed in the storyline that I felt as though I were
there witnessing it first hand. I cant wait to begin book 2. M.L. Stephens is one to watch out for.
I am a huge fan. I will jump at the chance to read any of her writing in the future.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Borrow it now!

The Perfect Clone - Book One is now available in the Kindle Lending Library! Borrow your copy today!

Kindle Lending Library

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Go fans! As of right now you can download The Perfect Clone-Book One for free...via

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Read against breast cancer

In honor of breast cancer awareness month...I'm hosting a fundraiser. A portion of ALL books in "The Perfect Clone" Trilogy purchased in October of 2012 via Amazon, will be donated to help find a cure. Curl up to a good book and fight for a cure!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Read what's new!

The Perfect Clone Trilogy is now available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Smashwords!

KCClem said:
This review is from: The Perfect Clone (Kindle Edition)
The Perfect Clone was amazing! Very fast paced. Loved all of the characters. Can't wait to read the second book! I'm very excited to see what happens next!

This review is from: The Perfect Clone (Kindle Edition) Bryan said: 
WOW What a great read, a friend recommended The Perfect Clone, by a new author M L Stephens, I have to say this writer really grabs you, the story flows with all the twists and turns I love keeping me on the edge!!!! Could not stop reading and got the other two books to this trilogy!!! I hope everyone loves this read much as I have!!!!

Read for yourself!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Creating my characters

I was asked today how I created my characters for,  "The Perfect Clone" trilogy.

The answer:

I had a purpose in mind and introduced that purpose, then they created their own dialogue and situations, (regardless of my OCD planning). The only thing I did...was let the characters speak for themselves. ~ M. L. Stephens

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The eBook trilogy is now available on!!

The Perfect Clone eBook trilogy is now offically available on!!! Enjoy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Perfect Clone Cover Reveal

Sticking to codes of moral conduct is no longer an option. Laura’s tried that before and failed miserably. With a second chance at life, she’s determined to make society play by her...
rules for a change.

Richard has secretly cultivated Laura’s talents for years, waiting for the perfect moment to pull her into his tangled web. It’s difficult enough to clone a child using DNA from an ancient shroud, but convincing Laura to help him might prove to be the bigger challenge.

With her own agenda in mind, Laura takes on the cloning project and is plunged into a world filled with secret societies, deception, murder and…apparitions? As her perception on reality shifts, Laura begins to question everything. What if Richard’s quest to create a clone to save humanity, is instead, The Perfect Clone for destruction?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

eBook cover reveal tomorrow!!

Cover reveal just a heartbeat away! (gasp) I'm super excited! Will I even sleep tonight? I think NOT!

Mark your calendars! The Perfect Clone series becomes available via eBook on in just a few short days.

Sticking to codes of moral conduct is no longer an option. Laura’s tried that before and failed miserably. With a second chance at life, she’s determined to make society play by her rules for a change.
Richard has secretly cultivated Laura’s talents for years, waiting for the perfect moment to pull her into his tangled web. It’s difficult enough to clone a child using DNA from an ancient shroud, but convincing Laura to help him might prove to be the bigger challenge.
With her own agenda in mind, Laura takes on the cloning project and is plunged into a world filled with secret societies, deception, murder and…apparitions? As her perception on reality shifts, Laura begins to question everything. What if Richard’s quest to create a clone to save humanity, is instead, The Perfect Clone for destruction?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If you totally love all things paranormal, religious speculation AND romance...check this out!  My eBook cover reveal is just a snooze away (cover reveal on Friday)!!!  and eBook copy is just a day or so behind! Check it out on one of two sites.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Coming to a close

Book 3 in 'The Perfect Clone' trilogy, has been my favorite one to write. With the first draft almost complete, I find myself reflecting on the journey my characters have taken throughout the trilogy, the journey I have taken, and the challenges I went through to tell a story that asked to be told. My dream started twelve years ago. It's never too late to live yours. Whatever the it out loud

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm settling in for another long day of work. My characters have found their stride. The latest plot twist came to me suddenly and the characters are writing their own story, I'm simply giving them the words.

Friday, August 31, 2012


Once you find a dream...feed it to make it hard to make it happen. ~ M. L. Stephens
Translating your imagination into words, is to dream with your eyes wide open.~ M. L. Stephens

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I have SOOOO much work to do, but I'm super excited. I'm looking at a possible cover release date of 9/14/2012 with an internet book tour scheduled for 10/20/12 - 11/1/12! I can't believe it's almost here. I'd better get busy!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

How I write

Someone asked me today how I write. (Do I use outlines, topic boards, etc.?) It might sound crazy...but I just develop a basic idea, then put my fingers on the keyboard and type. The characters have their own story to tell, so I let them.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Casting your story into the world, is like tossing your child into the wild. ~ M. L. Stephens

Saturday, August 25, 2012

An excerpt from The Perfect Clone 3

An excerpt from The Perfect Clone 3

"At what point in life do you look back and start regretting some of the things you’ve done…or haven’t done?”

Laura didn’t know the answer to that, but she did know that everything she’d ever gone through, had led her to this very moment.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My author photo to follow soon. I finally acquired a photographer. He's willing to work with me and I trust him... how great is that???
Not only have I started a dystopian trilogy...I've started a paranormal trilogy. Right now I need to focus on finishing up my Perfect Clone trilogy (I'm on chapter 4 of book 3 as I type this). The Clone series should be available very soon (finishing up artwork and a cover reveal soon). Hoping the YA paranormal will finished before year's end, with the dystopian trilogy being available by spring

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm learning as I go. The agent rejection process has only encouraged me to push forward. Going Indie author is turning out to be an experience unlike any other. The research, self marketing, planning, searching...etc., is keeping me on my toes. Waiting for the typographic artwork to be completed for the first two books in the Perfect Clone trilogy. As soon as that's complete, I'll post the cover and make the eBooks available.

Push forward. Live is a's up to us how we drive it!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I have an unshakable fetish for a good mystery and anything paranormal, along with an insatiable appetite for coffee and travel. When I'm not reading the novels of so many great authors, I'm creating stories of my own. My family keeps me grounded, my pets keep me jumping, my friends keep me focused, and I do it all in Texas!
Sometimes, when we take a moment to breathe, the mundane everyday tasks, take on tremendous meaning.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm a book reading, writing, coffee addicted, red bull fanatic with an internet gaming fettish.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Life is simple. Live. Laugh. Love...and when you can no longer do up a can of whoop ass and make it all better. Life is all about sunshine, rainbows, and sugar free Red Bull.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Two cups of coffee & a sugar free Red Bull later, and book 2 is reformatted for the Kindle! Where did the morning go? I look down at the laptop and the next thing I know it's late afternoon. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My coffee products have been restored and my fingertips are itching to get after it. As I await for my eBook cover to be completed, a new idea for a book 3 has come to mind! I'm eager to toss the words onto the pages. Not sure I'll get any sleep tonight.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today was super exciting! I approved the final cover art. Monday it's being sent for font work. I spent the last 12 hours fine tuning the book description, and making additional edits. As things get closer to public release, I find myself reflecting on the long, but amazing journey. I wouldn't change a thing.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Cover art.

I've found the perfect cover artist!

The forward motion of my life is picking up speed in a wonderful and powerful way. 

Now...I must get back to work! :) Happy day to all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Life is full of crazy surprises and unseen obstacles. It's up to each individual to choose how they use those blessings or rejections. Either let them define your failures, or as I prefer, use them to strengthen the path into personal growth.

Life is just a flicker of a moment in time and it's too fleeting NOT to follow your dreams.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My life in a nutshell

Growing up in a small North East Texas town was not my idea of a good time. I was certain that the world was more than dirt roads, BBQ's and tail gates.

Upon graduation from high school, I jumped a plane to Germany, France and Austria. The air was fresh, the people were kind, and the adventure was fun; still, I didn’t find what I was looking for. Moving back to the U.S. and settling down in Pennsylvania seemed like a grand adventure, I was disappointed.
After my first daughter was born, I decided to pack it up and head home. A year later, it was time for daughter number two. After another divorce, I settled in for spinster hood, but the fates had other plans for me.

When an old childhood friend asked for my hand in marriage, I couldn’t resist. Enter daughter number three. The good times, along with the difficult ones, were abundant in our cozy little home. Once the two oldest daughters moved out and on, I took the youngest and dashed off to live with the husband in the Middle East where he’s gainfully employed. Another world adventure had begun. Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Amsterdam…the fun just never stops.

It was during my extended stay in Kuwait, that I decided it was time to toss aside the poetry I’d always buried myself in, and begin the adventure of a lifetime. It was finally time to write the story that had been rattling around in my brain for eleven years.

It was then, sitting behind a laptop in the middle of a foreign country, that I found what I had spent my entire adult life searching for. I discovered my passion…writing. Decades of travel, accumulated photos and pages of poetry that had filled my time, was just preparation for the story that only I could tell. A story that had given itself to me and had patiently waited until I was ready before it could be told.

So that’s the condensed story of my life. As it turns out, the dirt roads, BBQ, rattlesnakes and beer are part of who I am. But without the decades I spent in search of me, I never would have found my story.